Sunday, April 13, 2008

Favorite Sleeping Habit

Our little baby boy has discovered that he stays warmer if his hands are tucked under his soft blanket. Either that or it's more comfortable than his arms up above his head (which is his other favorite). It's been quite a few weeks, maybe three, Isaiah goes to sleep by sucking on his little hand. He turned 12 weeks old yesterday and I do believe we have the best baby! He sleeps like a true champ. We started having him sleep on his tummy at 8 weeks and he sleeps so well. After he eats we play for about an hour and then he starts to yawn and suck on his hand. I take him to his room, sing a quick song, lay him on his belly, sometimes I have to pat his bottom, and he puts himself to sleep....amazing!!!


Isabel said...

Hey Boone!
Your son is just adorable, congrats! Cherish every moment, they grow up way too fast. God Bless!