Sunday, February 17, 2008

Baby Jack Baby Sack slings rock!!!!!

I figured it was time to update you all with a few pics. While I was at it, I decided it was time to also tell you all how much we love our sling! It was made with love by Jennie (Baby Jack Baby Sack) and is the most practical (and fashionable) thing we own! Stacie uses it every time she cooks dinner. She places the lil' guy in, tightens that strap, and goes to it! We are so thankful we have something that serves such a purpose. To find out more about how to order one of these slings or some other really cool devices (Chic Eats), go here.

The top picture was taken tonight. Our boy is 4 weeks and 1 day old. He is awake a lot more and is making us smile all the time. We think he is on the verge of cracking a smile, but he may just be getting all of his gas out! Anyways, Isaiah is such a joy to have around, we wouldn't trade having him around for anything. We thank God daily for this little gift!

*** Just a side note, Costco photo center sucks (They are deleting my account) so I will likely be using a different option. When I do, I will send out an email with the new service.

By His Grace...


Jennifer said...

Yippee! So glad you like it. You guys are so sweet. "Zaiah" looks good in green :)

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